Additional information
The poster must be prepared before the opening of cfDNA 2025. The conference offers no service for printing or the like.
1. However, pins for mounting the poster will be available free of charge.
2. Available space on the poster board, for each poster, will be will be 92 cm in width (horizontally) and 138 cm in height (vertically).
3.The poster should include the title, authors and affiliations, an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
4. The ideal poster is designed to (1) attract attention; (2) provide a brief overview of your work; and (3) initiate discussion.
5. The text on the poster should be readable from a distance of 2 meters. Font size should be minimum 24. The text type should be sans serif.
6. Graphs, tables, and figures should also be readable from a distance of 2 meters.
It is recommendable that you bring hand-outs of your poster for interested participants. Oral presentation
Instructions for Abstract
1. The maximum acceptable length of the abstract is 2000 characters including spaces.
2. Please indicate if you wish to give an oral or a poster presentation - or both.
4. The hypothesis, findings, and conclusions of the study should be clearly and understandably stated.
5. In order to submit an abstract, registration to the meeting must be completed at the same time.
Abstracts not complying with these criteria will be rejected. If your abstract is declined and you are not able to attend the registration fee will be reimbursed.
Oral presentation
We have planned for a limited number of oral presentations.
Each presentation will be 5 minutes long plus 5 minutes for Q&A.
A committee will select speakers based on the abstracts.
Prenatal diagnosis
Blood group genotyping
Cancer diagnostics
cfDNA biology
Poster board size
Each poster will have an available display area of 92 cm in width (horizontal) and 138 cm in height (vertical) on the poster board.
For any questions, please contact our local congress agency:
The Meeting Planners ApS
E-mail: reg@meetingplanners.dk